/ code & data

Software and data from the GenomeDataLab:

[ SOFTWARE ]  Mutational signatures-related:

HyperClust by David Mas-Pontehttps://github.com/davidmasp/hyperclust 

CellLineMutSigs by Jurica Levatićhttps://github.com/jlevatic/CellLineMutSigs  

[ SOFTWARE ]  Identifying driver mutations:

MutMatch by Elizaveta Besedina.

DiffInvex by Ahmed Khalil.

[ SOFTWARE ]  Machine learning tools:

FastRandomForest2 (beta) by Jordi Piqué Sellés. 


[ SOFTWARE ]  Bioinformatics tools:

to be released soon: "Pipeline6" by Daniel Naro

“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” ― Thomas A. Edison