/ code & data
Software and data from the GenomeDataLab:
[ DATASETS ] CRISPR genetic screening experiment data:
APOBEC3A conditional essentiality screens by Josep Biayna (CRISPR screening experiment) and Miguel Álvarez (data analysis).
Genetic screens on lung adenocarcinoma cell lines A549 (both the TP53 wild-type and TP53-/-), and LXF289. APOBEC3A overexpression or not, multiple time points. Contains gRNA counts & enrichment analyses via MAGECK
associated with the publication Biayna, [...] Supek and Stracker (2021) PLOS Biology. "Loss of the abasic site sensor HMCES is synthetic lethal with the activity of the APOBEC3A cytosine deaminase in cancer cells" Data in supplementary material >> LINK
[ TO BE RELEASED ] Genetic screens on H358 lung adenocarcinoma cell line by Josep Biayna (CRISPR screening experiment) and Miguel Álvarez (data analysis).
APOBEC3A overexpression or not, multiple time points
Contains gRNA counts & enrichment analyses via MAGECK
associated with upcoming manuscript by Álvarez et al.
[ DATASETS ] Genomic analysis data:
Cancer cell line ranking by their similarity to TCGA tumors, via transcriptome and DNA methylome analysis. Lists a "golden set" of preferred cell lines, as well as the cell lines putatively misanotated to the incorrect tissue. by Marina Salvadores
Associated to publication by Salvadores et al. Science Advances. "Matching cell lines with cancer type and subtype of origin via mutational, epigenomic, and transcriptomic patterns".
Dataset can be downloaded via supplementary material of the open-access Science publication >> LINK.
“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.” ― Thomas A. Edison